Tuesday 19 May 2015

Thoughts on Presentation

For my Learning Journey Presentation, I wanted to show my development through the visuals with added animation with the use of puppet tool and moving text with After Effects. I purposely used my previous presentation from last year as to show the development of both the aesthetics and the technique used to create it with. I felt that adopting the style I made last year and reinventing it into my level 5 one worked well as there was a clear line of improvement with the style of illustration and the content.

I wanted to use After Effects to create my presentation as I had learn a lot of new and helpful skills over the year, especially with using it so often when editing the animation for the Food module. With After Effects I was able to use the puppet tool to make my work move slightly for both a visuals and a comedic appeal; I was also able to use the key frames to move the images onto the screen or fade it out for a transition to the next frame. Compared to my level 4 presentation I was able to add more content onto the screen, making it move or pop in and out of the frame.

The content of my Presentation needed to be reflective, so I wanted to start the presentation with my personal debate of character design and storyboard, which would link nicely to the end of the presentation with telling the audience that I found throughout all the modules, that I wanted to lean more to storyboarding but have opportunities to character design as well to ensure that I definitely want to continue with just storyboarding. At the end of the presentation I wanted to tell the viewers what action plans I had for the summer, what I wanted to do to improve my skills and studio visits that I had in mind. For the content of the presentation I wanted to reflect over the good and bad times over the course, which mainly consisted of Food Mod and Responsive, but I felt it showed my development of my work through the year and work that I have used for my portfolio.

For the audio, I wanted something fun. I wanted it to be slightly silly but happy as it was the last module and everyone had worked so hard to be able to create the work this year that I wanted it be light and fun, hopefully getting a few giggles with some of the content.  I was quite proud of the ease in and out of the audio as it worked really well with the end of the presentation with the high tempo ending.

Level 5 Presentation

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