Thursday 8 May 2014


This piece was interesting through how the imagery was portrayed, which told a westernised story of the character, the grim reaper, where another character is sent to assassinate the reaper.
The illustrations were quite detailed and had a dip pen approach to the lineart, making it tactile along with the addition of the props. The inclusion of props worked really well, such as burning the page to transition to the next, the addition of a book when the character opens a book, the use of red ink to show blood, etc. It worked well through how the use of the props linked with the narrative or character dialogue. I felt it was an interesting depiction of the dialogue as text was shown underneath pre-cut parts of the image, and the magnifying glass was clever through how the next image was the zoom of the magnifying glass.
The video felt like an advanced version of a pop up book through the addition of origami and the parallel pop up book mechanism among the use of the props.

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