This year I have decided to attend Life Drawing sessions, I intended to last year but never got round to it, I knew I really needed to do life drawing again to refine my skills, develop them. It took me awhile to get into the loose sketching, I just haven't drawn this way since college, and any drawing I have done since at uni has always been the finished thing. Using loose lines, I purposely tried to draw big block shapes that made the models figure, I wanted to use these sessions to develop my own understanding of the human figure with the use of basic shapes; that I would be able to take into other drawings as reference. As the session was nearing the end, I found that I got back into the act of loose drawing and almost drawing raw emotion, I really enjoyed adding more dark lines and rough line shading, my favourite sketch is the middle of the second row of images. I felt I captured the dynamics quite well, I would have liked to have drawn his back more arched just to emphasise the pose.

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