Writers Round Table
Presenter Michael Molcher
Writers - Marguerite Bennett, Ray Fawkes, Emi Lenox, Charles Soul and Kurtis Wiebe.
I really enjoyed this panel, I was extremely inspired after listening to the writers talk about their comics and how industry is taking a good turn for comics as a medium. I would love to make a comic, drawing the art and writing the story,
Storytelling is what I want to focus on especially. When the writers were talking about how comics was a different form of medium that allows them to work differently compared to any other writing medium, it reminded me of the work of J.H Williams III. He is a huge influence on my work, I love how he manipulates the frames from something that used to be structured and geometric, to something that makes the panels a piece of art in itself.
Example of J.H Williams III work in Batwoman |
Here are my notes on the panel:
Charles - Sounds selfish but writes for himself, something true for himself, That motivation is part of his work, gets paid to write this way.
Marguerite - Writing with feelings.
Ray - Considering personal demons, I write for myself but what he publishes, he hopes to connect with somebody somewhere. Makes him happy to be alive.
Emi - Both a writer and an artist, personal work and commercial.
Kurtis - Comes from a personal space, putting something out there that no one has seen before. Generally women aren't shown well in fantasy, wanted to do something outside of the paradigm.
Marguerite - Bombshells began as a figure set, 2014 variants and the books sold. Wrote for Mad Max Fury Road. Found artists through twitter, social media is extremely influential but there needs to be a time and a place for this. Most likely in the future there will be debates with allowing fans to decide what happens to characters in comics.
Charles - Has an active twitter presence. Likes twitter as it allows him to connect with the readers, both good and bad. With the wrong 140 characters, it could end his career, it is a scary thought. The power of social media is unbelievable. He uses twitter more as an outreach tool rather than conversation. Twitter allows him to put his thoughts out there but not too much, he hopes his work speaks for himself.
Kurtis - Start to see trends that readers like, tempting to write to the fans expectations. Can be scary seeing the readers opinion on decisions of the book, characters etc. Not afraid of the fandom. Fans can be either nasty depending on what you do to their favourite characters or really supportive. I have been intimidated with fans, want to do something with a serious tone compared to the comedy appeal that it has had, it is now becoming real. I want growth and development with my story.
Charles - I write a lot of DC comics, its an interesting job, try to do something different compared to what has been done before.
Emi - I have a different audience most know her by her autobio, writes about herself. Her readers are nice people. Nervous about people judging her as they are reading about her personal life but she is writing for herself. If anything from social media, it can be dark, can be scary. "Do what you gotta do, can't let them people rule your life"
Charles - killed Wolverine in the books, he felt like he needed to tell, so many ways it could have been done, he needed to tell a story that felt right. If he hadn't got that right, some people say that he hasn't got it right, it could have ruined it.
Ray - Its happened now, even characters universally despised, got recognised through the loss of a character. Many fans enjoyed the book, but it became a puzzle for them, some refused that Wolverine was dead, that he would come back.
Kurtis - "Who would you describe being your mentor, your inspirations?" My earlier stuff definitely had that feel to it, I always believed comics were only superheros, but they're not. Runaways was a huge inspiration.
Emi - Inspired by Greg Thompson and comics in general.
Ray - Alan Moore's superhero books, 'Miracle man or Marvel man' those were the books that made him want to write, influences were all fiction, those comics made him change from just a writer to a comic writer. Had a mentor at DC that taught him everything.
Marguerite - Wanted to be a writer, was discouraged because she was a woman, and women were not allowed. Scott Snyder was her mentor, helped her to get into comics, to realise her dream. He's an extraordinary mentor.
Charles - His friend Brad was his mentor, they went to the same law school, when he started to write novels Brad gave him his audience. Online, invaluable advice that set off his career. Jix world, writers around the world pop in and give advice. Twitter is not the same.
Emi - Jeff has been a friend for awhile, he wanted to help her write something. her auto bio got her foot in the door. Really like dark storylines, something that she's always wanted to do, writing comics. Plutonic, Learning to write better this way compared to her autobio work.
Marguerite - There's no cheats way into comics, continue to write and write and write. The access of the internet allows you to put your comics online for free, lots of fanart to DC gigs. Hopefully a new decade in art and story in comics is coming. Need to continue creating a new community.
Ray - There's a stronger avenue towards people being taken seriously. People in high places of authority hire people who remind themselves of themselves. They need to know they have an audience, a huge following, then pick them up. Want to know there will be more money to be made.
Kurtis - 'Rat Queen' I wrote out four characters, didn't really plan on having the comic to be run by females, didn't think it would be successful but managed to work out. Three years ago there was a turn, from people in their 40's to young people, people on tumblr, began to rave about comics, no amount of marketing that he could have done, could have topped the buzz that his fans made for him.
Emi - 'Has a patreon' Was a comfort zone but a lot of stress. You need to give back, it's been a very busy time.
Charles - 'With being a writer in DC comics, we are seeing a diverse industry.' He sees a lot of room for ideas to get out, as today's world we've found it easier to get smaller audiences at once for different audiences at once for different audiences. Pretty optimistic.
Marguerite - Can't be against new blood. No idea what the medium or content will be like. She wants to write in this industry so she will change with it.
Ray - Comic industries, the big wigs, finally caught onto what is selling with these diverse comics coming out. Letting a larger range of books, with a small audience but loyal.
Emi - Speaking as an artist/writer, really excited as Pluntona would not have worked 10, 15 years ago, it was always the same main story, a cookie cutter of superheros. It's different now, there is something for everybody. Going and branching away from the superhero's.
Kurtis - Digital Landscapes will open up alot, the webcomic scene is growing, from the beginning it was hard to get into but its changed now. Someone who posts their work on instagram has a huge following now, social media has helped.
Ray - There is a wicked range of mediums that any other written medium can do. I'm excited because I know comics is a tool set that nothing else can do. It is a unique medium, a language, there is so much you can do with the composition.
Emi - Thinks in pictures, just how her brain works.
Kurtis - Loves the collaborative spirit, it's an indescribable feeling, working with someone else is awesome, bring a new light to it.
Charles - The time line is completely different. He likes breaking the story a lot, owns different sketchbooks to bring a new light to it. He likes this process as anything can happen.
Kurtis - Script is the favourite part, when he writes gags it doesn't make him laugh, the artist made it funny, creative synergy.
Marguerite - Dialogue between characters, varies by project with what her favourite part is.
Ray - Every project starts with... 'How can I do this?' Favourite part is when it is finished, seeing it completed.
Emi - When it's done...
Marguerite - Its important to say that this is not a gig that you ca get rich from, its something that you do because you love it.
Ray - Thank god 'Love' comics are back. I don't think is was ever something that had died. Personally I would love to see horror comics out there. Comics have this medium that can do this!
Charles - I agree, comics have this medium to do this
Ray - Uzumaki is a prime example, yes it is manga, when it was translated to film it lost the appeal. This horror was created
because it was a comic. Comics can be scary.
Kurtis - Wrote Grim Reaper, made a few years ago, wasn't popular but is now.
Emi - Not sure if there is a genre that she wants back... American magical girls comics!! Would like to see that in the states.